The Self-Loving Parents Retreats

Our concept

Our yoga and spiritual retreats for parents and kids allow parents to enjoy a powerful time of reconnection with themselves through soul and body practices, connection with a community of fellow parents, and quality time apart and together with their kids.

At the same time, through art workshops, stories telling, games, and activities in nature, children spend beautiful moments under the attentive care of a professional childhood educator.

Spiritual and in-depth nourishing holidays for the whole family!

Parents Program

Spiritual practices such as yoga, pranayama, meditation, breathwork, sharing circles, mantra singing, bonfire nights, ecstatic dance, cacao ceremony, sauna, etc. But also, some free time without the kids to spend with their partner, to rest, chill or read in the garden, go for a walk in the forest, journal, or connect with the other parents of the group.

Nothing else to do than reconnect with yourself, your beloved one if he came too, and your kids, enjoying fresh organic food, and a beautiful home. We take care of everything!

You have been longing for those relaxing, healing, and nourishing holidays, we promise you…

Kids program

Depending on the age group, kids will do yoga, and workshops such as dyeing t-shirts, and creating dream catchers, clay figures, flower crowns, or mandalas with natural elements.

They will spend time in nature doing outdoor activities, walks in nature, and various games to learn about animals and the environment.

When the evening comes, they will bake their own bread and cook it on the woodfire telling stories.

Your children will spend beautiful moments with other kids, just next to you, under the attentive care of Estela, our professional childhood educator.


For our retreats, we aim at dividing kids into two age groups. One with children between the ages of two and six and the second one between six and nine. We are thinking about organizing different retreats for different age groups. If parents have children between the two age groups we will find the best solution for them to participate in the retreats.

Since these are our first retreats, we allow all parents to apply no matter what is the age of their children and will see what age groups children belong to after receiving applications.


Next Retreat

Yoga Retreat for Parents & Kids

August 3-9, 2024 (7-day retreat), Saturday 10:00 till Friday 15:00

In Panta Rei Retreat Center, 21368 Dahlem, Germany


A yoga retreat dedicated to both parents and their kids.

It is a euphemism to say that having kids is a challenge for parents, both individually, and for the partnership. With kid(s) around all the time, it can be very hard to manage to get some quality time for the longing lovers.

Come with your partner & join us for 7 days of reconnection to your body, your soul, and your partner, without letting your kids away!

A family escape in the middle of nature where everybody will be taken care of:

  • Parents with lots of time for spiritual practices, couple time, and relaxation without any house tasks and cooking to do

  • Kids with creative activities, and new friends to play games with under the good care of Estela, our certified childhood educator

Perfect “holy-days” for the whole family!

Note: If you are a single parent or wish to come without your partner, you are of course also welcome to join!

- Exclusive retreat limited to 8 families only! -

This Retreat is fully booked!

You can still apply to be put on the waiting list!

7-day retreat Prices

1.200 € for 1 adult + 1 child

1.450€ for 1 adult + 2 children

2.050€ for 2 adults + 1 child

2.300€ for 2 adults + 2 children

Early Bird Discount: Register at least 2 months in advance & get 5% off!

A sneak peak of what to expect

Creative days

Pedagogic art workshops, here collecting natural elements in nature to create dream catchers.

Fun evenings for Kids

Baking bread & cooking it on the woodfire telling stories and singing songs.

Sharing circles & Oracles

Honest sharing communication practice, and traditional group sharing circles.

Evening bonfire

Sharing, singing, playing music, and other ways to connect to mother Earth and members of the group.

Ecstatic Dance

Dancing freely, nobody will judge you. Just let yourself be carried away by the music…

Relaxation in nature

Meditating, reading, napping, chatting, enjoying time of non-doing, by the chirping of birds.


  • Time & space to share the transformative experience of motherhood/parenthood, its beauty & challenges during sharing circles.

  • 2 parents-only sessions per day: the practice of yoga (Hatha, Vinyasa & Yin for all levels, with options for advanced yoginis), pranayama, meditation (classes in English), and other ways to cleanse, reconnect & nourish yourself such as ecstatic dance, firewood ceremony, sauna, etc.

  • Pedagogic and mindful activities in a beautiful natural environment for kids led by a certified childhood educator speaking German and English fluently.

  • Moments for bonding between children & parents.

  • Free time for yourself.

  • 3 delicious organic vegetarian meals per day.

  • A private bedroom per family (bedsheets & towels included) in a cosy guest house to feel at home.

Not included - to book separately

(Tell us what you are interested in or ask us for more details in the booking form)

  • Ayurvedic massage

  • Coaching session

  • Regression therapy session

  • Past-Life therapy session

  • Birth chart astrology reading

What you need to bring

  • Your child's baby cot if he needs one.

  • Warm clothes for the evenings by the fire.

  • A notebook or your journal.

  • The paper book you have been longing to read for a while.

  • A symbolic homemade gift that you will offer to another parent during one of our sharing circles.

  • Donation of toys, games, books, clothes, etc. that you don’t use anymore and that we invite you to share with the tribe.

Recommended mindset - commitment

  • Disconnect from your daily life, and from your phone, to reconnect to yourself, your child(ren), your partner, and the present moment. During the retreat, we will ask you to not use your phone, iPad, or other means to access social networks, media, or news, and to enjoy fully the time you have chosen to dedicate to yourself and to your loved one(s). You will have access to your phone for emergencies and news calls only.

  • Openness and authenticity, allowing yourself to be seen as you really are, and accepting to see how things really are too.

  • Trust and vulnerability, we will be sharing deep personal stuff, and we invite you to do so too.

  • Non-judgment, no criticism, using the principles of non-violent communication if you know them.

  • Kindness and welcoming attitude towards the staff, and the parents and children that will spend this time with you.

  • Respect for the premises and the neighbors.

  • Tolerance and understanding, we are just launching this new concept of retreats, so not everything may be perfect.

Ready to become a self-loving parent?